In the times that are the hardest, our parish funeral ministry is here to help, walk, and guide you and your family in organizing a Mass/interment for your loved one. Please call the office (575.437.0238) and leave a message for our funeral coordinator, who will reach out to you and schedule an appointment to see how we can best serve you and your family.
Our Columbarium is a group of niches, built within a wall of brick, stone, granite, marble and other materials, that contains the cremated remains of our departed in a “worthy vessel”. At St. Jude Parish, our columbarium is located in the middle of our compund, under a beautiful pecan orchardright next to the Chapel/office building. It is comprised of an entire wall, Altar and pillar; in total the plot contains 772 niches. Each niche can accommodate up to two urns. If you are interested in purchasing a niche, please call the office (575.437.0238) to schedule an appointment to come and see available spots and pricing.